Astral.CSS Toastify

Astral.CSS Toastify is a lightweight JavaScript notification module that helps you display customizable toast messages on your web page. With smooth CSS3 transitions and predefined styles, Toastify makes it easy to alert, notify, or update users with visually appealing messages.

Getting Started with Astral.CSS Toastify

Step 1: Include Required Files

To start using Toastify, include the Astral CSS and JavaScript files in your HTML file:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" >
<script src=""></script>

Step 2: Display a Toast Notification

Toastify provides a simple API for displaying various types of notifications. Use any of the following methods to create your first toast:

Toastify.default('Wow, so easy!');
Toastify.success('Operation successful!');
Toastify.error('Oops, something went wrong!');
Toastify.warning('Heads up, check this out!');'Update Available');
Toastify.random(); // Generates a random toast message  

When executed, these commands will display toast messages on your web page.

Customizing Toast Notifications

Toastify includes several configuration options to fine-tune the behavior and appearance of your toast messages. Below are the default settings:

const options = {
  duration: 5000, // Time (in ms) before the toast hides, default is 5000ms
  callback: function() {
      console.log('✅ I am a callback function. Write your own function to override this!');
  }, // Executes when the toast is clicked (optional)
  onHide: function() {
      console.log('✅ Do something after the toast disappears...');
  }, // Executes when the toast disappears (optional)
  position: 'toasts-top-right' // Positions: 'toasts-top-left', 'toasts-bottom-right', 'toasts-bottom-left'

Customization Example

You can override the default options by passing your own parameters to the methods:

Toastify.success('File uploaded successfully!', {
    duration: 3000,
    position: 'toasts-bottom-left',
    callback: function() {
        console.log('✅ You clicked on the toast!');
    onHide: function() {
        console.log('✅ Toast disappeared.');

Available Methods in Toastify

Here’s the list of public methods to create different types of notifications:
