
The inevitable HTML table, with special case cells

HTML Tables

Tables are a nice way to organize a lot of data. You can create a Astral table simply by attaching a single table CSS class on a <table> HTML element with the following structure:

  • <table class="table"> as the main container
    • thead the optional top part of the table
    • tfoot the optional bottom part of the table
    • tbody the main content of the table
      • tr each table row
        • th a table cell heading
        • td a table cell

You can set a table row as selected by appending the selected modifier on a <tr>

Name Item Name Item Price
Abubakar Eclair $0.87
Blessing Jellybean $3.76
Abasifreke Lollipop $7.00
Jumbo KitKat $9.99

Name Item Name Item Price
Abubakar Eclair $0.87
Blessing Jellybean $3.76
Abasifreke Lollipop $7.00
Jumbo KitKat $9.99

Striped Tables

Add class="striped" to the table tag for a striped table.

Name Item Name Item Price
Abubakar Eclair $0.87
Blessing Jellybean $3.76
Abasifreke Lollipop $7.00
Name Item Name Item Price
Abubakar Eclair $0.87
Blessing Jellybean $3.76
Abasifreke Lollipop $7.00

Hover Tables

Add class="hover" to the table tag for a highlight table.

Name Item Name Item Price
Abubakar Eclair $0.87
Blessing Jellybean $3.76
Abasifreke Lollipop $7.00
Jumbo KitKat $9.99
Name Item Name Item Price
Abubakar Eclair $0.87
Blessing Jellybean $3.76
Abasifreke Lollipop $7.00
Jumbo KitKat $9.99

Centered tables

Add class="centered" to the table tag to center align all the text in the table.

Name Item Name Item Price
Abubakar Eclair $0.87
Blessing Jellybean $3.76
Abasifreke Lollipop $7.00
Jumbo KitKat $9.99
Name Item Name Item Price
Abubakar Eclair $0.87
Blessing Jellybean $3.76
Abasifreke Lollipop $7.00
Jumbo KitKat $9.99

Right aligned tables

Add class="right" to the table tag to right align all the text in the table.

Name Item Name Item Price
Abubakar Eclair $0.87
Blessing Jellybean $3.76
Abasifreke Lollipop $7.00
Jumbo KitKat $9.99
Name Item Name Item Price
Abubakar Eclair $0.87
Blessing Jellybean $3.76
Abasifreke Lollipop $7.00
Jumbo KitKat $9.99

Scrollable Tables

Put your table in a div with the class name of table-container to make a table horizontally scrollable.

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